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Tax planning for property investments

Our tax advice service for property investments is designed to provide a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the applicable tax treatment on real estate investments in Spain.

Detailed analysis
of the tax treatment

Aimed at physical and legal persons, residents and non-residents. Our team of experts can provide an exhaustive assessment of the different investment options and available legal vehicles and the tax treatment associated with the use, rental and sale of the property, including the repatriation of funds and taxes on reinvestment. We can conduct detailed analyses of the tax treatment applicable to real estate investments in Spain, considering both the Spanish legal framework and international treaties for non residents. We assess the different investment options and the available legal vehicles taking into account each client’s specific requirements and objectives, for resident and non resident natural and legal persons. Realizamos un análisis detallado de la fiscalidad aplicable a inversiones inmobiliarias en España, considerando tanto el marco legal español como los tratados internacionales para no residentes. Evaluamos las distintas opciones de inversión y los vehículos legales disponibles, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades y objetivos específicos de cada cliente, ya sea persona física o jurídica, residente o no residente.
We study the tax treatment associated with property use and rental, including the tax regime on rental income and applicable tax deductions. We analyse the tax treatment associated with the sale of the property, including the tax on capital gains and repatriation of funds to the country of origin, offering strategies to minimise the tax burden. We study the taxes applicable to the reinvestment of funds obtained from the sale of the property, and provide recommendations for optimising the tax structure for the operation.Analizamos la fiscalidad asociada a la venta de la propiedad, incluyendo el impuesto sobre ganancias de capital y la repatriación de fondos al país de origen, ofreciendo estrategias para minimizar la carga fiscal. Estudiamos los impuestos aplicables a la reinversión de fondos obtenidos de la venta de la propiedad, proporcionando recomendaciones para optimizar la estructura fiscal de la operación.